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Staying Engaged: Activities for Aging Adults 

A senior woman is helped out of the car by a middle-aged woman. Both women are smiling.
-Organizing suitable activities for aging adults is very important to help them maintain their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. 
 -Consider the limitations and interests of your parents before suggesting activity ideas. 
 -Field trips, social clubs, and volunteer work are all great options. 
 -Medical alert devices can help keep your loved ones safe while they’re out in the world, doing what they love best. 

Why Should We Keep Aging Adults Active and Engaged? 

If the idea of spending your retirement on the couch in front of the television unsettles you, your parents probably feel the same. No one wants to spend their golden years feeling bored or uninspired. 

The positive effects that physical and mental stimulation have on aging adults are well-documented, giving you more reasons to keep your loved ones active and engaged — whether they’re spending time indoors or outside. 

A young woman stands behind a senior man. She has one arm around him from behind, and they are both smiling.

Research shows that older adults who participate in regular physical activity have improved cognitive health and a lower risk of developing conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease. Keeping physically active can also improve older folks’ mental health and emotional well-being. In this article, we provide tips and suggestions for keeping your loved ones stimulated as they age. 

What to Keep in Mind Before Suggesting Activities for Aging Adults 

There are several fun activities for older adults to enjoy when they reach retirement, but your loved one may not be interested in all of them. Some activity ideas may appeal to certain people, while others may not be practical or even possible for others. Here are some things to keep in mind before suggesting activities for your aging loved one or planning future field trips with them: 

Physical abilities and limitations 

You’ll have to choose activities that cater to your loved one’s age, as well as their physical health and cognitive abilities.  If, for example, your parent gets tired quickly or they’re wheelchair-bound, this may be a limitation that makes activities like hiking impractical.  

Similarly, if your parent has a condition like dementia and they’re easily confused — or they find it difficult to focus — cross anything off the list that might frustrate or overwhelm them. 

Remember what your parent can and can’t do, and structure activities around their abilities. 

Hobbies or interests  

Knowing what your parents’ interests and hobbies are, will help you make appropriate suggestions for activities and effortlessly plan fun-filled afternoons. 

Keep in mind that your parents’ interests might have changed over the years, and they may no longer be interested in things they loved when they were younger. Some of your parents’ hobbies may not even be physically possible for them anymore.  

A young woman and a senior woman sit on the floor with their backs up against the couch. Their heads are touching as they smile and laugh. They are both holding mugs in their hands.

So keep the conversation open, and make a note of places they would like to visit or things they’d like to do.  Don’t simply assume that they’d enjoy going for walks or visiting local museums — some older folks are more adventurous than others. The important thing is that they remain safe, no matter what they do in their recreational time. 

Daily routines 

The importance of a daily routine for aging adults cannot be emphasized enough. Daily routines make the lives of caregivers and older adults less stressful and more productive. Everyday routines are especially important for those with dementia, as it helps decrease behaviors such as aggression and restlessness.  

People who reside in assisted living communities may have further limitations depending on their rules and regulations. For example, certain assisted living facilities may have visiting hours or specific times when you’re allowed to take your parent off the premises. You’ll need to work around their daily routines to make it easier for everyone. 


Whether your parent loves creative activities, traditional games like cards and bingo, or they enjoy the fresh air and prefer doing things that provide a change of scenery — you’ll need to ensure their safety at all times.  

This is vital for aging loved ones who are prone to falling, or who have limited motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Safety should also be a priority for people with heart conditions, blood pressure problems, and other chronic ailments.  

You need your loved ones to be safe at all times, but it’s not possible to keep an eye on them 24/7. Even when aging adults have full-time caregivers, accidents still happen.  

LogicMark’s medical alert devices can help keep your parents protected, whether they’re playing board games indoors or visiting the local zoo.  

Our devices are designed to simplify your life, keep your aging folks safe, and give everyone peace of mind — more on this in a bit. 

Activities Suitable for Adults with Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease 
Dementia and Alzheimer’s are conditions that get progressively worse, but there are activities older adults can do to maintain their health and their ability to perform basic daily tasks. 
If you have a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s, activities that encourage social interaction or provide mental stimulation can decrease the risk of cognitive decline.  Some of these activities include:  
-Music therapy 
-Playing games, such as card games and bingo, to keep the mind sharp  
-Animal interactions 
-Creative activities that promote self-expression, such as creating memory boxes or scrapbooks 
-Spending time interacting with loved ones 
-Doing basic tasks, such as folding towels 

Great Activities for Aging Adults 

To ensure the well-being of your parents as they grow older, fill their retirement years with rich life experiences and activities that make them excited to get out of bed in the morning. Remember to take into account their likes and abilities when you offer suggestions for activities. Here are some things your aging parents may be interested in: 

Walking and exercise 

A walk outside in nature is a fantastic way to improve health, enhance mood, interact with animals, stay active, and meet new friends.

A senior woman smiles widely as she walks with the support of her walker.

It’s the perfect way for older folks who were once avid hikers to reconnect with nature. 

Volunteering in the community 

For some people, the point of retirement may be to rest. But many aging adults end up missing certain aspects of their workday — such as sharing knowledge with colleagues and making meaningful contributions to society. 

Volunteer work gives them a chance to change lives and make new friends. 

Bonding with animals  

Caring for or interacting with cats, dogs, birds, and other animals can greatly improve an aging adult’s self-worth and self-esteem. 

Three seniors smile as they hold out food to a sheep on a farm.

Not only can stroking or hugging an animal reduce stress levels and blood pressure, but it can also help adults stay connected to the world around them. 

Joining social clubs 

A book club, swim club, or bingo club is a wonderful way for older folks to socialize. It helps keep their mind active and provides an opportunity to strengthen social skills. 

Safety Concerns around Activities for Aging Adults 

Accidents happen all the time and falls are ranked as the number one cause of injury-related deaths among older people in the U.S. So whatever activities your aging folks participate in, you should ensure that they’re protected from injury. 

Here’s how you can make sure your parents enjoy their recreational time without compromising their safety. 

Provide adequate supervision  

When you make your list of activity ideas, keep supervision at top of mind. Consider the following points: 

  • Who will be accompanying the adult on their field trip?  
  • Is the place they’re visiting wheelchair-friendly? 
  • If they’re on chronic medication, will someone be there to remind them to take their dose? 
  • If they get lost, will someone be able to take them home? 
  • In the event of an emergency, will family members or emergency responders be contactable? 

You can easily start feeling overwhelmed once you’ve listed all the things you need to do and think about when planning a simple trip to, for example, your local park. 

And we know it’s not always possible to spend time as much time as we’d like with a loved one. Luckily, there are other ways to keep an eye on your folks that don’t involve taking a day off from work to supervise them. 

Invest in medical alert devices 

A medical alert device is a tool that can provide great security to aging adults and family caregivers. These devices are worn around the wrist or neck, or can be clipped to a belt to keep the person safe. 

LogicMark has a wide variety of options. Whether you’re looking for something to use at home or on the move, explore and compare our products to find the one that suits your parent. 

Our devices allow your loved one to contact family members, caregivers, and first responders at the touch of a button. 

We have devices that either connect directly to emergency contacts, or subscription-based services that connect to call centers — whatever you need, we’ve got you covered.  Read our article to learn about how medical devices work or contact us to discuss your requirements with one of our experts directly. 

Where Can I Learn More about Medical Alert Devices? 

Whether adults reside in their own homes or senior living communities, having fun activities to fill their days with can greatly improve their quality of life. 

If you’d like to help your parents reconnect with the world around them, but have concerns about how to keep them safe while they’re visiting the zoo or volunteering at the community center, LogicMark can help. Get in touch to find out which of our devices can help your parent reclaim their freedom. 



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